As in other years, we coerce our friends to go camping with us at least for a few days. Last year we had the added bonus of camping with my brother and his wife. The way it worked out this year only Mark and Bonnie and Ben could join us. So we packed up our brand new utility trailer - gracias to fatter-in-law - and away we went to...

Milk River (aka: Writing On Stone). This has to be one of the coolest places to camp. The sandstone hoodoos are amazing and the boys love the challenge of climbing all over them.

Even Ben, once he saw the other boys ripping up these rock faces tried his luck. It was really interesting to see how he so much wanted to do what the other boys were doing. The boys were tickled to keep him entertained. They put him through his paces as well constantly asking him what noises different animals and machines made. We had some killer weather - even the Dueck boys couldn't have found much to complain about. Here's a shot of Ben 'helping with the dishes.

It was sad to see Mark and Bonnie leave on Wednesday and the boys almost melted down with 'nothing to do' on the edge of thier tongues. So Char and I reclined to the Nicaraguan hammock that Dad brought back last year to contemplate our options. (actually we were just looking for an excuse to...


As you can see though we had a great time. It was so relaxing and just plain fun. It seemed like the perfect way to wind down after the zoo that is VBS...
Interestingly, apparently right where this next shot was taken an adult rattle snake was captured. We got a chance to see it up close ait was almost as thick as a pop can. The guide told us these things can swallow rabbits! after we saw it the boys were ever so much more careful about where they put their hands...

Of course, Mark kept us laughing. He was constantly telling everyone (especially Char), "That'll do!" I think what Mark is trying to do here is to try on his new thining hat for college this fall. Apparently, this thing will increase his brain capacity 10 times. Whatever, we are sure going to miss these guys this year. Mark and I have been doing minsitry together for so long that I am almost going to feel lost without him. Mark has been such a great partner in ministry - I will sincerely miss having him to talk to this year.

I really love our family camping trips - it seems to bring out another special aspect of my family that I hadn't noticed or had overlooked for some time. I am so proud of these guys - each one - unique. Watching Ben this past week reminded me of when we were going through that stage. Of course Jared or even Levi is a far cry from the diapers and the rest of it. But it really amazed me how each one of them had matured and developed over time. I have been blessed to have such an awesome family. we aren't the most photogenic family on the block but I might just keep this shot - if only for the amount of 'skin' Char is showing. Charchanged her clothes more often than a Barbie at a slumber party. At night it was seventeen layers of clothing to keep the cold out. At breakfast she would add a blanket or something. Then at 11 she would emerge from the tent in a tank top and by 12:30 she was in her swim suit. By super the hoodie was back over the swimsuit and around the campfire she would have been more comfortable if the fire had been built in her lap.

On Wednesday some people from Calgary showed up and we became fast friends. Thier kids (3) were exactly the same age as ours. Eamon and Anne Groome were originally from Ireland and thier accent was still noticeable. Well after Eamon had finished setting up the gear I offered him a drink and it went down hill after that. It really was cool. We made plans to visit them in Calgary and we plan on getting together with them when they are in Lethbridge for Eamon's work. We were kinda nervous about who might pull in after Mark and Bonnie left but we sure lucked out with that.
Well we are off again on Sunday to Drumheller to see the dinosaurs (can you believe there are people in my church who actually believe that they never existed...).
After that we head out on our road trip...