Thursday, August 24, 2006

Decency and Christian Agendas...

“It is awfully easy for Christians to blame our community’s sexual sins on the mores of post-sexual revolution America – to criticize Abercrombie & Fitch catalogs, to natter on about how Grey’s Anatomy portrays sexual behavior that doesn’t square with Christianity. But perhaps it’s more important that we reconsider how we talk about sex in the church. For although the church devotes an immense amount of energy to teaching about sexuality – just go to the Christian inspiration section of your nearest Barnes & Noble and compare the number of books about chastity to books that challenge, say, consumerism – many Christians still ‘struggle with’ (in that euphemistic evangelical phrase) premarital sex, adultery, and pornography."
Lauren F. Winner, author of Real Sex: The Naked Truth about Chastity.

I hope this is getting through - I mean - why is sexuality supposed to be the most important sin issue for Christians to deal with. And of course if you suggest that it might not the most terrible thing that Christians should guard against - somebody is going to look at you cross-eyed as if you are some kind of pervert. I thought John Stewart had an interesting interview with Fredrick Lane about his latest book...

The Decency Wars

Conservative 'Christian' values are interested in fighting this war against perversion - to the exclusion of other (in my humble opinion) more dire issues of consequence to humanity. How much of Jesus' words were bent on trying to restore decency to the moral decay around him?


Sterling said...

I'm still waiting to hear a sermon (or even a verse)from Song of Solomon on Sunday morning.

Increasing... said...

actually when I preached back in June I used a verse from that book of the Bible. Of course I did not base the whole message on the passage...