Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
bye bye boston
But here as of the writing of these words:
I hereby renounce my alliegance to the Boston Bruins.
I'm giving myself a Christmas present. A whole new hockey team. And I'm letting you in on the action. For Cristmas this year I want to pick a new hockey team to cheer for. I am opening this up for you to make your bid for my allegiance. Now such as it is my loyalty may not seem like much - admittedly I am not the keenest hockey mind in the world but I do think I have a corner on my cul de sac (and probably my office as well). anyway as you can plainly see for me the criteria for choosing a new team is not entirely based on thier ability to win. So let me out line a few criteria for you to consider in making your bid:
1. I have a strong preference for hard working under dogs
2. I prefer teams who were playing in the 80's - to go along with my musical preferences (expansion teams after the 80's will have a tougher time earning my allegiance)
3. No Toronto, or Montreal. There will be a Christmas miracle for me to choose any of those two.
4. The rest of the Canadian teams have a natural draw for me.
5. The management/ownership of the team must not have it's cerebral cortex implanted in the fecal excrement of it's own body. (Honestly the Thorton trade was the last straw. I can stand the Bruins not taking the cup year after year - but i can't stand stupid management moves that make not sense at all)
So there you go I look forward to your solicitations and advice.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
A Sarcastic Little Christmas Everyone
hey it's that time of year again
the time when you pay more attention to when

instead of when your local
might be
(check out this cool article on some great churches closing at just the right time)
yeah probably going to spend more time relating to people in line at
then we will with the good folks in
and that's okay after all we're gonna need some extra
to figure out our
And I mean come on we've got
all figured out.
Of course given the looming
one thing is for sure.
We gotta make sure that these guys
are definately not
So let's stick to figuring out Aunt Betsy's recipe for
cause we've all got sewn up in a nice little package (tighter than CSI)
And you know we don't like no
in our religion. We have a hard enough time deciding between
and we got some Kyoto freak yelling at us about putting up our
cause it might affect
and we've got heck of time explaining how
gets in through
to think about any kind of mystery associated with God Incarnate.
So pull on a cup of
and bite off the leg of a

Why you might even put up a holiday

remember it's HOLIDAY not Christmas
wouldn't want to offend the
or the
and take a gander under the yuletide bush and count the number of
with your name on them. And low is that the festive
you smell. Don't worry these
can't smell it
They won't be waddling up to your family table begging for your
I don't want you to think me a
with this sarcastic little tome. My point is that there is probably just as much wood in
as there is in
and they probably kinda need to go together...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
hockey church

here's my plan:
This next year I am proposing to go to the local hockey rink maybe once a month on Sunday mornings instead of going to our church. Many of the people my age have kids in hockey and though their faith in God is strong they don't attend our church during the winter months. Unfortunately many of them have gotten a pretty bad rep cause they don't attend. So I am going to approach the various local hockey teams and volunteer my services as a driver, towel washer, equipment fixer, or hey maybe i could work with some goalies and see if I could pass along some of my extensive knowledge (tee hee). Any who I thought about floating this past the powers that be at the church and see what they think. But first I wonder what you think...
UPDATE...(Monday, December 19th)
so yeah i was talking to one of the coaches and he was saying that he might need a goalie coach. so i might have a natural in. The way i figure it if one of the parents/kids/coaches invites me to be there it might just be more legit in the eyes of 'the man.' so keep crossin them toes for me...
More...(Wednesday, December 21st)
so yeah i floated the idea with the other two pastors here. This brought about an intense discussion. I brought the topic up as a way to defend what I feel is the disturbing priority we have placed on attendance on our ideas of ecclesiology. I suggested that the very reason the idea of missing a Sunday or two each month (or even every other month) would not fly points to our focus on getting the sheep counted. Lorne suggested that maybe if after the game I was to meet with some of these parents and families and maybe do a Bible study it could be more legitimate. His idea might be good one but to me that still is counting the sheep. I'm not sure if we should totally get away from counting the sheep but I think it may have become a too important in determining our ecclesiology. To me the hockey on Sunday thing would obviously be more than just on Sundays it would likely mean that i would need to involve myself in more than just Sunday otherwise there woudl be no authenticity in my missional approach to being at the rink on Sunday. And that is just it- for me this is a question of being missional I think. I'll be the first to admit that i am not sure that I am totally thinking this one out properly or not but... Really i don't just wanna do this to stir the fecal matter either so on tip toes we tread... Any insight?
I'm outting you Jesse
He's got some cool photography as well to check it out
a poem about adulthood?!
"Iused to think that growing old was reckoned just in years,
But who can name the very date when weariness appears?
I find no stated time when man, obedient to a law,
Must settle in an easy chair and from the world withdraw,
Old age is rather curious, or so it seems to me.
I know old men at forty and young men at seventy-three.
Some men keep all their freindships warm, and welcome friendships new.
They have no time to sit and mourn the things they used to do...
Athe bottom of the slip of paper she wrote:
Does this answer your questions?
Some of you know who Helen Toews is. She is the one who fondly refers to me as "REV" and I in turn call her, "sister" We laugh and she sends me poems.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
life long ministry
so you might be interested in his take @
Sunday, December 11, 2005
post-course post from the postmodern class
Just a little bit of follow up to the course mostly from Friday’s class:
Typical comment from a younger person: “Church is like taking medicine – it’s good for you but why should you enjoy it.”
The Enlightenment and subsequent modernity meant that the only God that was left after all of our rational postulation was a personal God – there is no room for a mysterious terrifying God. God is a manageable God.
Here’s a great quote to get you chewing, D. A. Carson in Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church: “True tolerance must begin with disagreement. If there is agreement, there is no need for tolerance. ”
Oh yeah we talked about making decisions in the postmodern church. We identified that the modern method of voting is damaging to the church and that it promotes the entrenchment of consumer mentality. In Dirksen’s church people have to sign a document with their name. For instance when they choose their leaders they not only sign their name to endorse these people as leaders they also sign to support the church with their resources and energy. I think this is interesting. Recently I witnessed in our church a staff member being hired with a relatively large % of the vote – done by secret ballot. Of course when two or three months after he arrives he is not being supported then we wonder where those 80-90% of the people are to support this guys through his life and ministry. Well my take is that they were never there in the first place. I think if I ever go somewhere else to take a position I will ask them to do it the way Dirksen’s church has done. I can totally see how this contributes to the consumer mentality.
We also talked about the tendency in our churches to ‘share’ things in the past tense. Once we have dealt with issues or once they are safely in the past we can share things. I cannot remember the last time anyone shared a struggle they were currently dealing with.
Simulacra – a copy without an original (this may be much of our religious traditions
For any of you who have read McLaren’s Generous Orthodoxy I would like to see what you think about the question of whether or not he displaying Universalistic theology or if it is just an adjusted orthodoxy like he claims
Friday, December 9, 2005
1. Back to the entry point of faith for a bit: Dale reminded us that for years as kids we were told that if our lives were a train then emotions were supposed to be the caboose of that train. Probably if I remember some of the Bible College teaching I received the engine was belief or reason. Good people kept their emotions in the background and certainly under control. Is there another way to think that in propositional truth? I don’t think I would be misinterpreting Ryan to say to say, No. and I would agree. This means that even our emotions are propositional in nature. This one is probably not as commonly held but I haven’t closed the book on that discussion. What I do want to say is that a more wholeistic view of interacting with faith does not see emotions as following reason or belief or belonging but that these three things can have different roles in coming to faith and different prominence. The other thing is that I am pretty sure the emotions are pretty different than thoughts. Whatever more grist for the mill?
2. It is interesting that no matter how open we say we are there are always qualifiers for who belongs in community with us. Is being a welcoming community in conflict with being a moral community? Yup you bet. My suspicion is that Jesus pretty much focused on the welcoming… I don’t know. Dirksen said at his church they often say, “we accept you the way you are but we expect that you won’t stay the same way as you are.” I like that.
3. Any body out there wanna tackle a theology of time. I think we need one. We have for a long time judged people on their attendance of our Christian events but we have not really understood well the amount of time it takes to establish meaningful consistent honest community.
4. Dave Guretski joined us for part of a session. He told us about locked and open churches. He said that john Calvin locked his churches so that people would realize that prayer could happen at home and that only when people gathered together did the church actually meet (the space became sacred). The Catholics on the other hand left the churches open because the sanctuary was the sacred PLACE so people needed access to it at all times. Interestingly enough, Calvin’s model may have led to isolating the church from the people and whereas the Catholic model preserves the access people have to the church. Both are protective in their own ways but lead to different outcomes. Today we lock churches for slightly different reasons. To preserve contents and protect from vandalism. Something unthinkable in Calvins day… Paul Johnson do you have any insight on this at all… (in 100 words or less - - kidding)
5. Dirksen had a part in the chapel service today. He commented on the affront that the wise men from the east (astrologers) would have had to Hebrew sensibilities regarding the announcement of the Messiah. Obviously for the messiah to be announced by anyone other than the reliable sources of Hebraic culture would have been seen to be almost blasphemous. Dirksen said that homosexuals and psychics might be good contemporary models of what the magi represented. He mused out loud at what we would think people like that making significant pronouncements of faith in our context. He was being provocative and I have to say I was loving it.
6. We watched a video and one of the things that stood out for me was a statement that almost every one in the video said. The video was a sort of documentary on “emergent” churches like mosaic and marshill etc. this was the comment:
“It doesn’t even seem like church!”
I winced when I heard that cause to me it seems like this statement is causing a pretend alienation from the church. It seems to further honor our deeply consumeristic approach to church as well. Give me what I want. And as long as it doesn’t look anything like the church I am used to then fine. You see it’s all about fulfilling selfish desires. YIKES! And the ultimate consumer gets to go to heaven and when that is not enough give me some abundant life on top of that. So then these essentially consumer churches tout themselves as some new form of something and they attract a whole bunch of consumers and whammo we have success – worth following??! I know that is cynical. But these leaders were touting the fact that their membership was an average of 22.5 or something like that. That means it is not multi generational. Sure there is a whole gigantic group people in the 22.5 range that remain essentially out of touch with the church but is the answer to throw a whole new church at them. One that consists only of themselves. Please tell me this is not the only way otherwise what am I doing in Coaldale for these last 12 years.
7. We talked about how we hold family as such a high value and how it conflicts with church. Interestingly enough people will miss church gatherings to attend family functions we say this is good. But has this become a form of idolatry where we elevate family before our identification with God’s people. This seems like a no brainer for a guy whose extended family lives at least 4 hours away and family natural takes a back seat to ministry – partially cause it’s my job. But I certainly would not want to compromise my family’s health for church ministry. Or would i? Lots of stuff to chew on there…
8. Erwin McManus quote: “voraciously hedonistic in our worship.”
9. Dirksen suggested that accurate reading of the Bible should help us see that worship is pausing from our daily routine to do something different. He agrees that worship is not just music. He says we need to stop. This matches the Biblical concept of Sabbath. Now I would say yes we need to stop. But Sabbath seemed to be more about rest and community building then giving cudos to God. These massive praise sessions were more extra special events and festivals. Worship still seems to be mostly about obedience and service in the Biblical context.
Okay I am done
Thanks for all who prayed for me and my family this week and a special thank you to john and sarah doerksen who as always were very gracious. Thank you mo for joining me on this trip and Char I cannot wait to see you.
Bless you all.
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Wanna see how post modern you are?
What social tribe do you belong to
this one will tell you who you might have some affinity with...
this next one is more about the whole po-mo thing (This one inlcudes Americans as well)
I would be really curious where you would fit
Me I am....
Potpourri Faith or just mumbo jumbo
So okay I know Char is going to get all weirded out by this (maybe mom and mom –in-law too) We had a very refreshing/stimulating talk about rediscovering the sacraments for evangelicals. Having grown up in a Latin American country where sacraments were almost like voodoo this is a place of stretching for me. (check out the book by Vander Zee on this) We talked about baptism and communion as begin a window to the mystery of God. Dirksen said that in their church they baptize infants and that when they do they have the rest of the people in the congregation touch the water to reacquaint themselves with the mystery and power of baptism. I know that as a hard core Anabaptist there is the whole problem of believers baptism but really it has become behavers baptism in most of our contexts. The orthodox practice of kissing the icons is really no that different than the hand raising, kneeling, dancing and other stuff that we ‘practice’ during worship. Do physical objects have a place in our gathering times well I certainly think that if we can avoid some of the excesses of superstition that often comes with that – then maybe even crossing yourself can be a really meaningful thing. I’m losing you Char I know it! Get this we even talked about praying to the dead/saints. Dirksen reminded us that people talk to the dead all the time at funerals. We don’t stop them and say they are heretics for doing that, (“Grandma wherever you are…”) Why should we stop talking to them once they are gone. Obviously they our relationship with them has to change but… Okay now I’ve gone too far…
Other stuff
We spent most of the day though talking about how essentially we in CANADA are more emergent than US and yes Gil I have a problem with the word emerging. Anyways out of the discussion and the stats surveys we come a few comments:
-Tolerance doesn’t let me get rid of the bad guy – local Sask politician in conversation with Dirksen hmmmmm
-There is a strong conviction that the church needs to fight for the approval of government in Canada (in the US not so much cause it probably is the government) but we should be nervous about fighting for government approval. The church has often been the strongest when the government did not approve of it. Yet we fight for things like the definition of marriage and losing our charitable status and see big problems with not having things go our way. So are we deluding ourselves into thinking we are living in a Christian country (wow Christmas north of Red Deer could be fun)? The whole Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s political activism has been shaped by this kind of a view. Hmmmm
-Question of these three entry points to faith which is best? Which is more lasting? Which is happening now? And in the future? BELONG BELIEF BEHAVE. Do we ask people to belong first then believe and behave or behave first then belong and believe (probably more fundamentalist)? We can certainly see that we are moving away from the believe first then belong and behave? Much to the chagrin, I am sure, of the Christian education centers and Ryan Dueck? (sorry buddy my tongue was emerging through my cheek for a minute there) I don’t know where I stand on this. I’m not sure I know if there is a right way or not. Now given the debate that has gone on on Gil site this question is not about truth it’s about praxis – the appropriate ENTRY point for people outside of faith. Should they believe all the right stuff first? Should they act right first? Or should the relate to right first? I hope that distinction is clear.
Mo and I built a good old Mennonite sausage meal last night and it was good
We have talked extensively and really my mind is fried so I wonder if we might just go see a movie tonight
Love you char
I still love Jesus like crazy and you’re not that bad either.
Now get back to your paper
God please save your servants in Iraq please if a miracle is up your sleeve this might be a good time to use it – I know I would give you props…
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Am I emerging? Monday's post...
Class with Dale Dirksen on Emerging Church issues (essentially post modern effects on the church)
First of all it already has been a blast being together with Mo my brother. We form an army of two in the class. We’re not totally sure our enemies are yet but you gotta know that two two hundred pounders are gonna take on any acid dropping po-mo’s or even the annoying guy who grunts at everything the prof says. It’s funny cause we totally got jammed into the front row of the class within spitting distance of the prof and his regalia of techno gadgets – so if you can catch “emergent” like the flu you gotta know that mo an me are gonna come outta here inoculated or infected…
Actually the class has been good so far. Kinda laying down the basics of the where we are at in the context of philosophy. So history and comparison and all that jazz. You know the basics but we were able to wander down a few rabbit trails that I think were intriguing. Of course there were those who obviously were rocked out of their chairs when Dirksen said stuff like: “the Bible and the Word are not eh same thing.”
There was a moment of clarity that brought me back to two summers ago when I read Brian mcLaren for the first time. Basically it was this: when the church functions in community not avoiding conflict but living through it (not ignoring it or pretending it doesn’t exist) then it is the most powerful gospel for humanity. It is so hard in all this pomo discussion to not criticize what has come before and I find myself gravitating to that (criticism). But we need to acknowledge that the ideas, methods and ideologies that preceded us were struggled through with the intention of coming up with the best possible stuff for their time. We need to do the same. Building on the strengths of the past and avoiding its destructive excesses.
Of course I am going to have to keep working through the whole truth question. So Ryan wind up your fingers…
Here is something Dirksen said, Post Modernity sees truth as ahistoric. I don’t know what I think about that. In some ways you have to see how truth is bound to historical context (flat earth etc). Maybe the question is if reason can transcend the historical boundaries.
It was a good day.
I miss my family a lot
Char, I hope today was productive for you.
Tomorrow it looks like we might get into music. Yup yup can you see me cheer!
Gil, Ryan, and Mark I wish you boys were here with me. We are gonna have to set things up to attend a class together some time. Maybe a few other of you would like to come along.
Peace out children
Mo has bad gas and I must go beat him up…
We talked about how narrow a theology has been transmitted to us through the songs we sing together. Mo is a good guy to talk to about this cause he is pretty committed and gifted in the whole worship/music thing. - thats his job.
dirksen told us that music makes our theology. Not even just the words of the music but the sounds themselves. Soft chords for contemplation and response. Loud for declaration and praise and joy. hmmm
I think he's right and I am scared that the theology we have created through our music is REALLY thin.
am i emerging more
We basically decontructed fundamentalism/revivalism, charismatics, and seeker sensitive church
all have their weakness and excesses but acouple of things stand out.
The whole anonymity of church that the seeker church embraces at the investigation level makes the consumerism in churches more prevalent. I really believe that the way in which churches can be counter cultural is to require deep intimate identification with community. I find people are starving for this.
Another thing that has really challenged me is this: Dale (prof) has mentioned a few times a commitment to a local context for LIFE. I have to say in my private thoughts I have wondered about this... Could it be that most of us are called to a specific context for life. I think there is alot that makes sense about this in some ways. Even though most fo teh population is very transient. there is something important about the commitment that says I choose to live and love inside this community for the long haul. If that's the case I can't look at 12 years of minsitry as some badge of honor but rather a fly speck (hopefully) on this journey in this commmunity. I have to ask my self do i have that much love. love neough for lifetime?
behind our head table at our wedding read a chinese proverb: choose who to love and love the one you have chosen. this statement really is the most beautiful thing about the gospel. When the gospel gets naked and wakes into the bedroom of my mind I can see this dysfunctional community of people who are eeking out a living in messy relationships that somehow work becuase of Christ.
hey hope everything is well with you
more to come tonight
i posted yesterday on Mo's computer but we were not connected so I'll try to get it on later
Sunday, December 4, 2005
Off Again
this time for a course call Emerging Church Issues
I'll try to blog through it again like last time
I'll be hanging with my bro so yeah we'll see how much time i have for blogging
here's hoping them old sask. roads are in a fair to middlin shape...
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
This kind of stuff really does still happen
Friday, November 25, 2005
hey check this out

a girl in my brother's youth group wrote this paraphrase of Luke 15
come on go see it fo shizzle
Oh yeah and have you heard of Death Cab for Cutie and James Blunt
What about the National Playlist...
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Song to the Silent God
A whisper from you
Just a whisper
In my buried heart
Where no one can laugh at your riddles
Oh bang and clatter
Flail myself against the alter
Demanding your fiery voice
Dance my devotion down your throat
Just to hear you cough or sputter
Give me what I deserve
Jumped through hoops of pretentious contrition
Just like the rest of them
They hear you
They say
Stomp my feet and grab you by the tail
Fling you round to my mercy
My submission
My request
I expect
From you – right where I want you
This feeble thing this mind
Brief glimpses of a fleck of you
And it is such hard work fighting,
Then it foils me again
Just when I thought I was getting somewhere with you
My thoughts are overwhelmed
And I am stymied
But from the trite
I should thank you I suppose
Wandering as it has for so long
And still it finds
Nothing in the pain –
Nothing in the joy –
In the joy – I squealed with delight
And I almost lost the faint signal
So that's it...
I’ve written letters sent out postcards
They’re the ones with the pictures of me in Hawaii
I’m not really there but apparently
You know where I am
I am waiting
Stay silent if you wish
Stay quiet if you like
But if you were to speak
I would love you for it
And love you now
I still do…
Thursday, November 17, 2005
“This is the world of fundamentalism, of sectarianism, of certain kinds of conservative Christian religion. And, for many Christians, it is a world they are happy to have escaped. Now they don’t have to kowtow to authority figures. Now they don’t have to mindlessly agree and joylessly obey. Now they are free. They are free from an authoritarianism that kept them in perpetual spiritual childhood. But this freedom marks only a beginning, an opportunity. What are they free now to become and to do?” (John Stackhouse - Evangelical Landscapes)
I’m just as happy as the next guy that we can (although not in all contexts) escape the authoritarian mentality of many churches. I guess I just think that it is still far more pervasive and insidious than we’d like to admit. I would say we used to know who the authority figures – they were clearly identified and had matching roles. Now we still have authority figures - it’s just that they are not nearly as clearly defined and their roles no longer make a difference. We have been affected by two things: 1. the fact that nobody has to deal with anybody else’s work unless it strictly supports their position. So anybody can be in authority. Usually the qualifications are personal preference and the ability to have the latest ‘thing’ out there. So if I can just ‘mint’ something new and get people to consume it I am the authority. 2. Consumerism – So that the authority on anything becomes the thing that makes me happy. Preferably right now! Especially if I am going to fund some part of church activity I should be heralded as the next greatest guru, leader, and authority.
I can see how Stackhouse is approaching this but I don’t think we are through the woods yet and question that pops into my mind next is:
So if this is Christian adolescence and that was childhood, what will adulthood look like?
You know the Catholic church has the pope and we jump up and down about how ridiculous it is to have one single authority figure in the church. We scoff at him being the voice of God etc. And while I am not interested in aligning myself totally in that direction at least we can say that the authority is pretty well defined. The big problem I have is that we may very well have entered into a time when suspicious motivations rule the lines of authority in Christianity. Money (book deals and other shitty propaganda (like glow in the Dark WWJD bracelets), Fame (like Stackhouse says, “Just as popular culture has its trendsetters…so do evangelical Christians have their authority figures…without a critical thought in their head…”), Personal preference (again here it based on what ever will meet my Dial-A-Faith Mentality (meet my desires, justify my behavior, etc) And really that is no different that the dubious behavoir of an emporer imposing Christianity on his empire...
The problem is I know I don’t want to go back to the way it was but I really don’t know what the landscape should look like.
The other factor is (then I’ll shut up) while in know that faith needs to be internalized to be authentic I know that we are never finished with learning and growing in our faith. Is there some one out there who we can trust to help us grow? Will we be there to other grow as well?
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
This is NOT a dictionary...
The Pickled Anthology of Words
This is my little attempt to fight with words.
So if you care about language at all maybe you will find some room for interest – seriously and or humorously.
(click on the link below or see it on the side as well)
Thursday, November 10, 2005
+ + Quotes for the mill + +
-David F. White
-I'm not sure if I agree. hmmm!
"The greatest mistake that youth pastors have made is to try to understand all of their students' past experiences. The past does influence us but that is not where the problems lies. Kids are messed up because they have no clear vision of what they want to become in the future. Our job is not so much to analyze the past but to provide options for students to make a dynamic assessment (decision). Human beings can make choices – the past can limit your options. Martin Luther King presented himself for arrest because he knew the options – keep the law or go to jail. There is always an option. Always a choice. The great counseling always comes when we ask a student – “what are your dreams?” What does the future hold for you? The people perish otherwise. The church doesn’t do this much at all. The movies do it all the time. Christianity is built on a vision of the future. One of the things we have not done for young people is sufficiently define for them the Kingdom of God."
the question: is there a future for kids (adulthood) or just more of the same?
Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Apparently I am in dis ‘hood
You know da adult hood
But I feel like being an adult is a bad thing. I talk to other people who are close to my age and I find that they are having a hard time admitting that they are adults. Makes me wonder if they feel like adulthood is a bad thing, too. So much effort is directed at holding on to the vestiges of youth (why else do you see 40 year old women wearing navel revealing t-shirts?). Used to be adulthood meant something important – something respectful. But then maybe adulthood became something too much like living in a different reality. Adult talk, adult fashion (slacks), adult activity (jobs, marriage) – kind like another world! Can’t say as when I look at the adult reality at least how it used to be defined I am really excited about becoming one – or more precisely admitting that I am one.
But come on - how do you really know that you’ve become an adult anyway. Used to be 18 was the marker. Now it just means your teacher won’t go to jail for sleeping with you (Hamilton ‘04) – oh yeah and drinking. Sorry! Adult is nothing to aspire to for people who are younger. Adults spending all their energy staying ‘young’ reinforces the notion that adulthood should be avoided. And like I said maybe becoming an adult is stupid cause the whole ‘hood is corrupted – spoiled.
The researchers tell us that adolescence is expanding especially at the top end. Are we cool with that? I don’t know. Are we cool with the idea that maybe eventually there won’t such a thing as adulthood? Does this mean I might have zits all my life?
I’m so confused…
Thursday, November 3, 2005

“…you might be lost. The best strategy to take at that time, is to stop hiking and think carefully about your next move. The worst thing you can do is keep walking. You may only be just slightly lost; if you keep marching on, you will only make a small problem worse.” - - - (Michael Mouland The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Great Outdoors as quoted in This Way to Youth Ministry by Duffy Robbins.)
So the question is: are we lost?
I guess postmodern thinkers in the church would say YES – I think…
Are we not to some extent perpetually lost?
Maybe postmodernism is the, “stop hiking.”
Maybe we do need to, “think carefully about (our) next move.”
Maybe that is what McLaren is trying to do…
To me sometimes about the best we’ve done in postmodern thought in the church is point out that we are lost. I’m really ready to starting thinking and taking the NEXT move.
That doesn’t make me anti – postmodern – I think it makes me whatever-the-snot-comes-after-postmodern.
Anyways Proverbs here has some timely advice for all us Blogger types…..
Tuesday, November 1, 2005

If I could design a church’s gathering strategy it might look something like this…
1. The central gathering time would be only about community
It would be a potluck brunch on Sunday morning. There would be some strategy to mix up generations and cliques so that it would be a good opportunity to get the group interacting with each other. There would be announcements, a time of sharing and prayer, testimonies, and a benediction.
No music, no preaching.
2. Instruction: this could be done in affinity groups or generational divisions, but it would not be with the entire collected body. The lead pastor would oversee this instruction to make sure that there was direction for this instruction. He/She might be a primary instructor but would also teach others how to teach. No music here either
3. Activity: this would be a variety of events both for the larger group gathered (ie missions presentations, or goal setting rallies) or smaller group events. These would be mainly strategizing meetings that would help focus the service of the church in its community. Coordinated by Pastor
4. Celebration/Spiritual Formation: this is where music might come in. these would not be events where the whole congregation would be expected to attend but would be opportunity for people to celebrate their passion for God, practice the spiritual disciplines, and be motivated to in their daily walk.
#1 everyone is expected to attend
#2-4 is optional
A vibrant small group ministry would be essential for accountability in this system.
What do you think?
What are the weaknesses?
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
truth or dare?

What is the nature of truth?
Is truth a static body which you can put boundaries around and is completely unchanging?
Do the boundaries of truth remain flexible? I mean do they operate under a set of principles much like physics or biology but are not restricted to a specific quantifiable entity.
The reason I wonder this is because of how we arrive at truth.
First of all truth is a completely subjective process based completely on what I am conditioned to understand and the faculty I have for comprehension. (agree or disagree)
Secondly I wonder this because of our inherent response to truth. Truth seems to have always defined the finiteness of our behavior. It assumes a controlling role over every perceivable human function.
Let me give you a little story to spark your thinking
Back before Columbus proved Aristotle’s ridiculous idea of a round earth, many people lived and died with what we would now call falsehood. Falsehood they considered to be truth. In saying that truth is static it could be assumed that once discovered truth remains unaltered. But in this case where truth is actually false the onus lies in the discovery which is completely dependant on human volition. So when our access to truth is completely voluntary can there be such a thing as restricted objective truth or is truth an endlessly expanding reality spanning correlated to human perception.
Obviously how we are responsible to truth is hugely impacted. Morality and function are affected as is most importantly our concept of God. Do the principles of truth allow us to hold two seemingly opposing truths in tension or are there boundaries around which we must falsehood?
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
October 20th 1990...

Our marriage is a teenager
Fifteen to be exact
Not a childish fancy
Of playful boyhood dream
Not just a selfish storefront to sate my satisfaction
Or a blanket to bundle up in
Our marriage is a teenager
It used to be just twelve
When puberty came knocking
and really threatened it
new roles new goals
changes changes changes
hoping that something would blossom
develop, bloom, mature
Our marriage is a teenager
Fifteen on this birthday
Its clothes fit differently now
a sense of something sensual
beyond the lovers caress
that draws into discovering
the adult marriage to come
Our marriage is a teenager
Some day it will be middle aged
And we’ll fondly gaze in memory
As we sexually pretend.
And giggle at our foolishness for trying one more time
To arouse the childish fury
Of lovers, loving love more than loving
Our marriage is a teenager
It’s starting to fill out
There’s hair in places where it wasn’t
Or is it the other way around
It’s not yet what it will be but the notions are not as vague
a river that has quit wondering if the ocean’s near
Our marriage is a teenager
Some day it will retire
and lay back in the hammock
and lick the tonic off the rim of love’s deep pleasant cup
and then it will be over
from kiss to sigh
to wait for the magic up above
Our marriage is a teenager
Fifteen to be exact.
So light the little candles
And make the slices thick
Happy birthday marriage.
I wrote this poem to honor not just my wonderful and gorgeous wife but the amazing gift God has given us to share this marriage.
I love you Char.