Thursday, November 3, 2005


“…you might be lost. The best strategy to take at that time, is to stop hiking and think carefully about your next move. The worst thing you can do is keep walking. You may only be just slightly lost; if you keep marching on, you will only make a small problem worse.” - - - (Michael Mouland The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Great Outdoors as quoted in This Way to Youth Ministry by Duffy Robbins.)
So the question is: are we lost?
I guess postmodern thinkers in the church would say YES – I think…
Are we not to some extent perpetually lost?
Maybe postmodernism is the, “stop hiking.”
Maybe we do need to, “think carefully about (our) next move.”
Maybe that is what McLaren is trying to do…
To me sometimes about the best we’ve done in postmodern thought in the church is point out that we are lost. I’m really ready to starting thinking and taking the NEXT move.
That doesn’t make me anti – postmodern – I think it makes me whatever-the-snot-comes-after-postmodern.

Anyways Proverbs here has some timely advice for all us Blogger types…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Recognizing that we "are lost" is the easy part of the equation, but unless we move beyond that and actually determine which direction to go, we'll die in the woods. Surely the Lord of the church can give us the direction to safely get out of the woods - He definitely is concerned about the direction we take. Maybe we need to be willing to take the time to ask and then be willing to take the risk involved in following his direction.