So we just sent my Mom and Dad back down the road to
Winkler. Hopefully they arrive there in good shape tonight. We spent the weekend with them. It was a treat. We were introduced to the

KNIFTY KNITTER. The boys ‘latched’ on to that quick – especially Jared. He finished two touques in the weekend Jesse did one and Levi did one. So mom and dad graciously left behind the tools so the boys could keep on knitting.
Aside: you know knitting could save the world. Except that Chuck Norris does not knit… He always lives with no strings attached. (See
Chuck Norris Mind Games)
Of course because my folks have been in ministry all their lives we always talk a lot about church stuff. We were debating whether to go to church on Sunday or not but decided against it. Instead we planned our own ‘service’ at home. Although not legal sanctioned by the Conference of Bedside Baptists we figured that the presence of two paid pastors should make the service legit. (It’s a holiness quotient that it actually based on a complex spiritual formula of various algorithms and logistical prognoses: I’ll include it some time) Our kids came up with two skits. The first was done by Jared and Levi. It was called…

Jared called it a politically incorrect Bible story of David and Goliath. An army of

Rescueheros were the Babylonians (of course in the original account they were Philistines) and little Levi had to use his rubberband gun to pick off the slashing and thrashing Jared who was wearing the Touque of Doom.
Jesse and Lukas meanwhile did a version of the Good Samaritan. With Lukas stepping out of his usually sunny disposition to play the beaten up traveller while Jesse ran back and forth changing clothes and playing every other role in the story. Eventually Jesse lifted Lukas onto his shoulders – a feat not lost on the fact that they are essentially the same size. (even though Lukas is younger by 2 years)
A sword drill, some memory work and some awesome testimonies later and we were ready for Ming’s House of Cat.
It was a good weekend. Mom started off by baking cinnamon buns – so Char spent the rest of her weekend trying to find a way to justify eating one while still honouring her lent. Unfortunately the perogies did not go over so well with our boys – but I had couple. Mom seemed to be quite taken with our mini schnauzer and it seemed like Deri was quite taken with her.

She even jumped up on their bed this morning to wake them up so I guess Dad has to start retracting his promise to not have an indoor dog… Mom and I had a good late night conversation focused around postmodernism and post-Foundationalism.
Dad and the boys and I went to the Hurricanes game against the Hitmen. It was the first time I had a chance to see Justin Pogge in action. Quite a treat. The Canes played well but had a 7 minute lapse in the third period to let Calgary back in the game which they eventually won in a shootout…
Dad and I did some repairs around the house and built a set of drying racks/closets for Char’s Hutterite Laundry Emporium.
We watched the Brier together on Sunday night and watched as the Quebecoise beat Ontario for the title.
Sunday we discovered
Google fights and decided that it would be a great way to settle ecclesiological disputes in staff meetings or church council meetings…

And Dad by the way here’s a link to that book I was talking about by
Katie Funk Wiebe.
It was a good weekend. A great chance to reconnect. I am truly blessed to have been raised by my parents. Thank-you for carrying on the legacy
If anyone would a Friesen original touque just say so the line are now open…
Anyways it’s back to the books for me