Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pointless Jobs/Careers...

Vicky over there sparked an idea - what if we started a list of pointless jobs. You basically, careers that are completely unessential to life. She suggested hockey players - - - so let's see who the first person will be to put them down on the list. I'll start with a few. (Rule: your career stands as pointless until someone challenges you to defend it)

Pointless Careers:
-Stencil Designer
-Tampon Commercial Producer
-The Person Who Tie Straps Every Childrens Toy To the Box
-Snow Shovel Designer
-Any Career involving Cricket
-Tennis Players
-The guys who run at full tilt across the court in Tennis to pick stray balls
-The Person who makes the coffee at Humpty's


Jesse said...

How about the people who study the flow rate of ketchup. Here's a link

Trevor said...

whatever it is that Paris Hilton does

Anonymous said...

rabbit breader

officehourthoughts said...

I'd like to challenge the Rabbit breader. I don't think that that is a useless job. There is this guy in germany who is breading rabbits that are the size of dogs, and now Korea wants to buy them off of him because one rabbit can feed 8 people. Rabbit breaders saving the world one hungry person at a time. Check out the story here

Increasing... said...

I guess given the penchant for dog flesh that some oriental cultures have, a rabbit that might emulate a dog could add variety to the diet...
it would seem that a research position on the need for viagra type drug in rabbits would certainly be pointless

Lounge MD said...

youth pastor......awkward silence....

okay non-sarcastic one......thinking....thinking.....

ahhhh.....the scientific engineers behind the seedless watermelon

from Jesse and Jenivere

vicky said...

walmart greeters

food samplers in grocery store....oh wait pretend like i didn't say that.

silk plant creators

pet groomers

Author of Blog: Kendra Israelson said...

. .. am i the only one who can't seem to think of anything? hmm.. embarassing.. no wait! i have one! perhaps what is pointless is this excersize (although it's not a career and is kinda fun to read)

Mark said...

fridge magnet designers, the person who desides the color of shampoo and conditioner,