Monday, December 11, 2006

Women and coffee...

This morning before dancing off to church to sit in on Edgar’s Senior High Sunday School Class on morality, I happened to catch a segment on CTV’s Good Morning Canada. The show ran a feature on a special coffee being roasted by Cuppers Coffee & Tea (Lethbridge) called Café Femenino. I happened to have a cup brewed from a recently roasted batch while I was restocking my coffee shelf for Christmas yesterday.
The coffee is wonderful. Big chocolaty tones and some wonderful upfront caramels right away – no hunting and pecking through your taste buds to find it. And of course the coffee is smooth – Al is so gentle with this roasts making sure they do not wander across the forbidden boundaries of the Starbucks burn zone. But then the coffee is also outstanding because it bears a mighty redemption behind it. Oh yes as you will have already seen if you went to the site. This coffee fights for women – those who are being taken advantage of, abused, used, and reduced to property. A dollar from every pound sold roasted goes to support the various agencies that this cooperative has selected for global affect. Not only that the coffee is grown and processed by Peruvian women and sold to companies who meet strict standards (Al said he even had to have a woman sign for delivery of the product when it arrived to prove that he had women working for him.) So anyone interested in a pound?


Paul said...

new template hey? ;) seen this one before somewhere? lol

Naomi said...

I think we will be making a trip into see Al when we are home for Christmas. We are all out of the coffee my mom brought in November and I just haven't found any I like as much as Cuppers. This new one sounds inviting. You have my taste buds waiting in anticipation!!!!

Shelley said...

Hey Dale,
This has nothing to do with your post, but I read that you guys are gone the 22 or 23. Make it the 23 so that we can have a poker night on the 22, that is when we arrive.

Increasing... said...

yeah paul
i have wanted a three column for a while. i liked the other one but it had gone stale...