Tuesday, October 24, 2006

certainty and faith...

Recently, I entertained a discussion with my brothers on the topic of certainty and faith. It’s hard not to get lost in the semantic similarities between confidence and certainty. In the end the two of us were likely closer to each other than either of us care to admit. Regardless, it is in discussions like these that I have found significance in my approach to faith and certainty. Although my I would typify my spiritual upbringing to be deeply rooted in traditional evangelical perspectives, I am distinctly privileged to have had family and friends who were willing to entertain some of the questions I posed about faith issues. I know that as I watched my own parents model grace that I was clearly taught the beauty of humble faith before mysterious and often confusing God.

I read Gil’s latest post and followed to read the Time article that followed. Here’s a quote to whet you appetite:

“In that type of faith, doubt is not a threat. If we have never doubted, how can we say we have really believed? True belief is not about blind submission. It is about open-eyed acceptance, and acceptance requires persistent distance from the truth, and that distance is doubt. Doubt, in other words, can feed faith, rather than destroy it. And it forces us, even while believing, to recognize our fundamental duty with respect to God's truth: humility. We do not know. Which is why we believe.”

Another good article to read on the subject: MB HERALD

Again like Gil said, I doubt Sullivan has captured the complexities of diplomatic intricacies. But in our increasingly polarized world, I find refreshment in a perspective that embraces the same kind of humble faith that I was taught to observe.

I am finding myself at an increasingly vulnerable place. The directions of my vocational aspirations are unclear. Yet I find myself with a deep sense of peace. And I know that in the months and years ahead my faith in God’s provision in my life will be tested. Frankly, bring it on! That is not to say that I will not wonder from time to time into the ditches of despair and confusion. In fact I hope to wander there more often. But this is the mysterious God I am chasing, hunting, exploring. I never expect to ‘bag’ him.

My Lord and my God,

May you ever prove to be beyond my grasp. And though your the fingers of your love will guide me through the fog, help me never to be satisfied with just your touch. Make me lust and crave more than I can ever comprehend. Never let my foolish pride pretend to capture you and stash you away like an RRSP plan. Give me humility to hear you in the voices of others. And forgive me were my arrogant provocations block you out of the conversation.


1 comment:

Gil said...

Praying with you as you take these next steps...