Thursday, September 7, 2006

Here's a Challenge...

for those of you who regularly read this blog...
I am calling you out to a challenge. Here it is:
You are confronted by a non-follower of Christ. In three sentences or less answer this question:
Who is God?

I know many of you are going to pitch and real (as I did) at the question and i can't wait to see what you come up with.


Anonymous said...

Either the universe itself or a supreme being capable of creating the universe through either a material process (conscious material influencing non-conscious material) or a non-material process (conscious non-material bringing about material out of nothing).

Proffreezer said...

I think I've learned that when someone asks a question of this magnitude the best thing we can do for them is to ask them a question in return, that will assist them to think through the issue with a framework. The question I would ask in return would be, "Do you want there to be a God." As Willard puts it in Renovation of the Heart, our desires influence our acceptance of ideas. We need to remember that it is not our job to convince.

Anonymous said...

You asked for three sentences? Ha! I'll give you three words (well, actually a few more than that...)

Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer of all that is.

Increasing... said...

I have to say it is interesting that you - Ryan - are the most direct or succint so far

Increasing... said...

is it inescapble to deal with this question without in some way refering to a verification of God's existance?

Anonymous said...

Dale, I am shocked - do you mean to insinuate that I am long-winded?! Isn't that a bit like the kettle calling the pot black...

I think that the question of God's existence precedes the question of who God is. I interpreted your hypothetical question as asking for a description of God's attributes - a query which seems to involve a prior acceptance of God's existence - or at least a willgness to temporarily withold judgment on the matter.

Increasing... said...

actually my comments has less to do with the quantity of your responses than with what i have come to expect from you. I expected that you, like I and others, would struggle with 'nailing down' the nature of God. I'm not suggesting that is what you did here with your response. I certainly would appreciate much more than three sentences to 'expound' on the nuances of the qualities i would want ascribe to God and I have a natural aversion to being concise. So your answer encourages me to do the same..

Anonymous said...

The Supreme Creator and Sustainer of the universe, who desires and pursues a love relationship with mankind.

Anonymous said...

God, to me is the One who is capable of anything that could be possibly asked of Him. Regardless of circumstances and sheer size of the task which may be presented, he is capable. Something interesting that I heard from a movie which you may have all seen, "Batman Begins," says somthing along the lines of, "It is not who you present yourself as but rather what you do." So if following what this quote says, the most accurate description of God is what I have said previously.