Thursday, May 25, 2006

How do we define success..

In my upcoming report to the church (and insidently to the church council), I expressed my deep conviction to move away from highly program based ministry. I suggested that the church and the leadership of the church need to understand that this does not look like what we typically talk about as 'successful' youth ministry. I ran across some of Mark Yac comments as he talked about how his book was being received by adults. Here is what he said...

" invite people to slow down and sit and wait on God seems so incredibly un-productive and verges on the ridiculous. What's hard to communicate is that God isn't interested in production...or as Martin Buber says, "Success is not a name for God." It's hard to communicate to people that just seeking to do the ministry is what's pleasing to God...that the results are not in our hands and furthermore, we have no idea what "good results" look like." read the rest here

1 comment:

Proffreezer said...

I would love to see a copy of that report to the council.