Wednesday, August 17, 2005

names withheld to protect the innocent

okay so here are the senarios two of them similar yet distinct: what do you think should happen in each case...
1. non-believing friend approaches you for a ride to the nearest big city to get an abortion. you are pretty close to her and she knows your beliefs about abortion. if you take her to the city are you an accomplice to murder or are you one of the only people she trusts and is able to provide her with continued support. do make a point of identifying your convictions about abortion and refuse to take her or by taking her do you have another chance to talk to her and help her sort out her life and this issue.
2. man and woman start attending your Bible study group. they both come from nasty divorces. the man is a christian when he starts attending but you lead the woman to Christ through the influence of your B.S. group. they fall in love. want to get married. ask your pastor to marry them. One couple is very supportive of thier choice to get married but you and your spouse have a clear understanding about what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage - not permitted. so do you attend the wedding or not? if you do what does this say about your convictions? if you don't what does this say about your love?

1 comment:

YootguyMark said...

Sounds like a familiar conversation and one that may recieve some very differing views. I am curious and look forward to reading some posts. Thanks dale,