Gareth Brandt a prof at Columbia Bible College (Abbotsford, BC.) - (highly respected by one Mark Dyck) has his own top ten list found in a new magazine called GEEZ:
Top Ten Reasons Why I don't like identifying myself as evangelical...
here's reason number 8: People don’t like evangelicals and I want to be liked.
Kinda interesting stuff sounds like something Tony Campolo might resonate with...
Of course it would be interesting to see what Stackhouse would say...
So is the term evangelical worth saving/restoring or is so corrupted that we need to find a different term to whatever it is that we are or are becoming or once were but aren't yet...
ht: jc
It's kind of unfortunate that the word has come to imply specific doctrines or dogma. Certain 'types' of evangelical I would rather not be known as (as is the case with certain 'types' of Mennonite, etc.) However, to be an evangelical - a person of the good news - is something I hope I will never be ashamed of. Perhaps it might be easier to redeem the word than to redefine who we are (or want to be)?
just a thought
I mentioned that you had psited this article on your blog. He laughed and was humored. The one comment I have is that he also has a top ten list of why he loves calling himself an evangelical which paints a very interetsing and more complete picture of him.
I agree, I hope I will never be ashamed of it either. I suppose being an evenaglical neecds more defining but not really because my postmodern mind hates being penned in and defined. HEHE!!
Thanks Dale,
Knowing Gareth, i'm sure that this was fairly tongue in cheek yet obviously it can still provoke some serious thought on the issue. Get back into your po mo corner
It seems unfortunate that such negative connotation has become of "evangelicals".
I wish that people would call me what they see me for, a follower of Christ - and not necessarily in those words. It would though, be such an honour to be called a follower of Christ, like people called Jesus' disciples. They called them that b/c that is exactly what they were. Although, I suppose we also run into trouble with that theory b/c so many people have seemed to miss the purpose of the coming of Christ and his love, thus thinking negative of Him as well.
Well, whatever the case I guess it is mostly important that we are not ashamed and that God's love touches people through us. Let them call us what they will:)
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