Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hot sauce crisis

Okay I'll admit this doesn't seem to be as big a deal as Pat Robertson's prediction for 2007. (here's the same vid on youtube) BUT...
Those of you who have attended the annual Pepper Party in late January know it's legendary status as the highlight of each young year. For the rest of you...
Each year after my birthday in January, I put on a mexican food feast. It is splendid in large part becuase the senior highs who attend are collectively brething a sigh of relief after their exams which happen to coincide. This thursday also happens to coincide with thier term break which is critical timing for the party as well.
The idea for this party come out of my sheer love to cook up a mexican storm. In years past, I have made homemade tortillas right on the grill. and every year I make my famous carne del diablo (devil's meat). The recipe calls for no less than 10 habanero (you can use scotch bonnet peppers, 2 lbs of stewing beef, an onion chopped, and a tin of tomato paste (well and of course seasoning) It's a mini volcano in your mouth.
I also cook up a pile of meat for burritos and all the fixins. I usually set out my vast array of hot sauces (This spring Char wittled them down to 15) I arrange them in order of heat and let the kids create their own party on thier tongue. It is always fun to watch the kids experiment with the hot sauces - especially the macho snowboarder types. (You know they will be skiing the next day and it is always fun to hear about how the burning set in as they were half way up the quad chair - tee hee)
This is where the crisis comes in...
We got home from our trip this last week to find our fridge dead. the compressor is gone. The food we found was rotting in our hot fridge. Thanks to Char's courage we got the thing cleaned out but unfortunately that meant that all my hot sauces went down the tubes as well.
I had some dandies too.
I had collected a beautiful arrangement of sauces with names like:Dave's Insanity, The Mother Of All Hot Sauces, Pain is Good, and a bunch of sauces that came stright for the country of origin where they were made.
I need hot sauces for the Pepper Party - its part of the mystique! Can you help me? Is there a favorite sauce that you enjoy - and that you can easily put your hands on - I would love to have a bottle of it. I will gladly pay for it

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