Saturday, November 4, 2006

we are here...

The trip was an extended process of unfettered fretting. First, was the freak out session at customs when Char’s Bible was too thick! Then we waited at Calgary terminal for 1 ½ hours to get boarded. This was mostly due to Jeff Gullacher’s rocket trip into Calgary. From Coalhurst to Calgary in 1.5
But then at LAX we get on to this shuttle bus to get to our car rental company. Holy Hannibal Lechter I soiled myself. It’s hard to put into words but it nothing short of miraculous that we made the 4 mile trip in one piece.
But we ended up in this sweet Anaheim home. And there is banana tree growing over the back yard fence. Julie the woman of the house is a high school math teacher in a mostly immigrant public school here in Anaheim. I am going to try to get hooked up to make it into her classroom if I can.
Right now I am sitting in the lobby of the Hilton hotel across from the convention center. There is no doubt we are in USA – if you have any questions just check out the nearest gas station. American flags everywhere.
Had a Carls Jr. Burger for brunch I am off to register and get ready for my critical concerns course. Hopefully I run into Marv to thank him for getting me a discount on the registration fees….
10:52am November 2nd

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