Thursday, October 12, 2006

War on the prairies

So as the older brother it was once again important to establish who was the dominant one in the pack. My brother PAT is 2 and 1/2 years younger than me. The weapon of choice this time around was airsoft. Here's the blow by blow account.

Here is Pat wait to get hit by about a dozen shots.
Here is Pat after getting hit by the same dozen shots.
Here is Pat trying to escape the terror reigning down upon him.
And here are the perpetrators of said terror (his nephews!) Okay fine so I surrendered to my kid brother after taking about 5 shots off my nose. but you have to admit that my positioning is subperb. this is what menno pastors do in their spare time?

1 comment:

Increasing... said...

i know we should plan like a full out battle some time with a whole bunch of us it really is great. you know we could act out real battles - its sick i know but sooo fun,