Tuesday, July 18, 2006

the poll

Here are the results from my latest extra scientific poll…

Slurpee 26%
Coffee 22%
Vente caramel macchiato - extra shot - extra hot 17%
Chocolate milk 13%
Tim Horton's Raspberry Ice Cap 9%
Vanilla Milkshake 9%
Cheese Sauce 4%
Tomato juice, Lemonade, Blue Kool-Aid, Chamomile Tea 0%

Now on the surface a poll like this seems to indicate that Slurpees are actually the preferred beverage of choice when marauding bandits threaten to cut out your tongue and give you one final drink. However, that would be a very rudimentary and an altogether simplistic view of the truth behind this survey. Notice if you will that almost 50% of the respondents chose a beverage with coffee in it. No other single ingredient factors so prominently in any of the beverage choices. Now I understand that the Slurpees made and alliance with the vanilla milkshakes but even so there is a wide gap between the two sides.
As one can clearly see our pluralistic society has made significant inroads in the coffee preferences which only serves to highlight the need for those of us true proud coffee drinkers to bear witness to those who do not drink the stuff and allow them to see the light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weak, cheap, grocery store coffee with copious amounts of hazelnut whitener: 1%