Thursday, June 29, 2006

this is the fourth day...

in a row that I have had toasted tomato sandwiches like this for breakfast...
I know it's common to have pizza occasionally for breakfast but are there other foods you like to eat first thing in the morning that usually get eaten later in the day?


Natasha said...

This morning, I had cold pasta salad, and was thinking about how much I enjoyed it over cereal or toast or something like that. Cold fried chicken is also very good.

Jan said...

When your camping a beer with breakfast is an instant cure for morning breath.

Erin said...

i actually really enjoy a toasted tomatoe sandwich - nothing but tomatoes.
Or a toasted cucumber sandwich.

However.... typically not for breakfast. I'm sure its great any time of day, though.

Increasing... said...

yeah i am down with the cucumber sandwich too
but just to be clear:
Whole Wheat Toast
a thin layer of margarine
a thin layer of miracle whip
thickly sliced tomatoes and a light sprinkling of salt

a slice of harvarti is nice on the side - but never on.

Mark said...

you should throw a couple strips of bacon on that...or a side of banger sausages.

Increasing... said...

not sure what you mean by "thin layer" Dale. I've seen your sandwiches and your thin layer is thicker than my thick layer!
luv ya anyways you crazy tomato sandwich loving dude!