Thursday, April 27, 2006

Is it really in you...

Hey at Willmsy's party we talked about all going to give blood together (those of us from Lethbridge anyhow). so I thought I would send out a suggested date and time and have you guys let me know if it works for you or if you are in. Feel free to invite friends. The clinic would like to know how many are going to come so either respond here or email me...
May11th after lunch
I especially hope it works for Willmsy to come cause we wouldn't want Jessi to show you up or nothing...


YootguyMark said...

I would love to join I need to check if I am eligible at that time to donate. I have donated once without you and so our cycles are off. I will get back to you. I hit the 30 donations last time.


Jan said...

What ever you two figure out is good for me.

Jessi said...

May 11th, I think Mark is still (conveniently) going to be in Edmonton around that time. I'll still go with you guys though, I've never donated but I really want to. A couple of hours after lunch would work out just fine for me.

Mark said...

Haleluia for Edmonton...I could faint right about now. Wow Dale, talk about calling me out. Perfect, see Jess you don't need me to come with you.

Increasing... said...

come mark you need to change your plans dude...
i hope it works for you mark d
i wondered if it would be a bit too early for you...

Increasing... said...

i think Char is in too
how about bon bon?

Jan said...

Jess, I've never donated either and I am not so sure I like the idea yet but if it means going for lunch with a bunch of friends I'll do it. (LOL how noble...)