Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Christian Music...

WARNING: this may bother some of you!
I’ve been choked about the Christian Music scene for awhile. Oh apparently it’s an industry. Great word. I love how that word is used in connection with Christian music as if it somehow legitimizes the stuff. Plehfhh! Quite frankly most of it is straight cheese - - -.
Even the good Christian radio :)stations mostly “zuigt”. Most of the contemporary ‘worship’ stuff portrays an over-simplified, and theologically barren faith. Worn out chord patterns and predictable U2 rip-offs and substitute-your-girlfriend-for-Jesus songs – that’s what is getting dished. And on top of that these songs are asking people to sing along with lyrics that basically force them to lie. “One way Jesus, you’re the only one that I could live for!” Really, the only one you could live for?
The performance stuff is weak and thin and mostly about mimicking what is ‘out-there’ in the secular scene. It’s embarrassing!
Imagine my surprise at listening to the latest offering from Downhere
here's some lyrics from "Real Jesus"
Jesus on the radio,
Jesus on a late night show
Jesus in a dream, looking all serene
Jesus on a steeple,
Jesus in the Gallup poll
Jesus has His very own brand of rock and roll

Watched Him on the silver screen
Bought the action figurine
But Jesus is the only name that makes you flinch

Another dude to check out is, former Caedmon’s Call front man for
Derek Webb

Check out “Wedding Dress” or “King and Kingdom”
He’ll knock you between the eyes with his indictment of current expression of ‘our’ faith….


Gil said...

Webb...mmmm, that's tasty stuff.

splitthesky said...

yes, good thoughts. and I also appreciate that song "wedding dress"

Anonymous said...

Well, imagine my disgust when I found out that the "Christian Music Industry" is actually owned and operated by "secular" record labels! Its all just a farce to make Christians feel "comfortable" in their sub-culture which isn't at all "counter-cultural" but merely a sandbox in which to plunge their heads!

Increasing... said...

yup you bet there is that aspect as well

welcome abosrd the virtual pickle as well seems like i have lost touch with you guys...

hope all is well

ToddMO said...

I came across your web site via google, by accident.

I was actually researching the web trying to figure out if this Tom from Angels and Airwaves (former Blink man) was an actual christian or not. I have a 12 year old who likes him and his music.He has his dad hooked on The Adventure song.

However, you got my attention when you mentioned Downhere, I love their music alot! I'm glad someone else in this world thinks the same about christian music. I also love the song " Real Jesus", I think everyone should listen to it at least a hundred times, I know I probably have. What a message that needs to be heard in our superficial churches in the USA.

Todd in Missouri