If I could design a church’s gathering strategy it might look something like this…
1. The central gathering time would be only about community
It would be a potluck brunch on Sunday morning. There would be some strategy to mix up generations and cliques so that it would be a good opportunity to get the group interacting with each other. There would be announcements, a time of sharing and prayer, testimonies, and a benediction.
No music, no preaching.
2. Instruction: this could be done in affinity groups or generational divisions, but it would not be with the entire collected body. The lead pastor would oversee this instruction to make sure that there was direction for this instruction. He/She might be a primary instructor but would also teach others how to teach. No music here either
3. Activity: this would be a variety of events both for the larger group gathered (ie missions presentations, or goal setting rallies) or smaller group events. These would be mainly strategizing meetings that would help focus the service of the church in its community. Coordinated by Pastor
4. Celebration/Spiritual Formation: this is where music might come in. these would not be events where the whole congregation would be expected to attend but would be opportunity for people to celebrate their passion for God, practice the spiritual disciplines, and be motivated to in their daily walk.
#1 everyone is expected to attend
#2-4 is optional
A vibrant small group ministry would be essential for accountability in this system.
What do you think?
What are the weaknesses?