Tuesday, October 17, 2006


so yeah the kids get a rubber band around their face. It starts on the tip of their nose and across the middle of their ears. The deal is to get the rubber band down around their neck. Sit back and watch the faces and weird gestures begin. In this case all the wiggling got a little bit more than just the rubber band moving...
those of you junior high workers will easily recognize this substance as...
Shoot where else could you get paid for the chance to run a game like this.
HT: PAT for the idea for the game


Natasha said...

Too funny! This totally reminded me of junior high. I had braces, so I also had those tiny little rubberbands from the orthodontist. My friend and I decided it would be fun to wear them on the tip of our nose until they slowly slid off and shot across the room...yea, it was fun, but we ended up bruising the tips of our noses, so they were bluish brown for a few days. We got some great laughs though!

Proffreezer said...

that's awesome!